マッサージ院に清楚な女学生がきたら?…ハメるでしょう! ~昏睡&媚薬でイキ狂わせ種付け肉オナ治療~
Miel 发行于 2013-06-14 无中文版

マッサージ院に清楚な女学生がきたら?…ハメるでしょう! ~昏睡&媚薬でイキ狂わせ種付け肉オナ治療~

If An Innocent School Girl Cums for a Massage...
DVD PlayerWindows




... she needs an in-depth "treatment"!

The naive granddaughter of a customer wandered into fat, middle-aged, creepy masseuse Goro's parlour one day. It was the chance of a lifetime. Goro's eyes coveted her smooth body and his groin twitched with mounting excitement. Shall he dull her with an aphrodisiac or fuck her in her sleep? The choice is yours!

* Purity on the massage bed: an untouched buffet!
She's a gracious, good school-aged girl. Your fingers and cock are the first she's ever felt! In the name of medical health, indulge in all her places, from tender young breasts to asshole to virgin p*ssy.

* Coma hole doll or waking recipient of ero massage: which do you prefer?
Keep her awake but delirious with gooey, aphrodisiac lotion romance. Slide between her legs like an onaho or a dutch wife as sleep sex play.
Either way, her body is ready. Satisfy both of yourselves! Taste the secret taste of innocence.

* All the wrong kind of massage you can handle!
The lotion lubricates more than skin. Desire flows from mouth to mouth with sloppy comatose kissing, cum on her sleeping tits, squirting teen arousal in a string bikini, happy buzzer, **** love, lethargic face fucking, the hot spurt of cum in her babymaker, doped out double penetration and more.

* Grease up for 2x the fun after she gets pregnant!
Ero-ero massages continue into motherhood. Her tight twat is stretched out and there's a baby on the way. There's nothing to lose! 

DLsite English


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