MeltyMoment ~メルティモーメント~
HOOKSOFT 发行于 2014-01-31 有中文版

MeltyMoment ~メルティモーメント~

WindowsPlayStation Vita


This story takes place in a town full of residential areas and apartment complexes. The town is what you would a commuter town, and is a nice, quiet refuge from the hustle and bustle of urban cities.

There are no skyscrapers to be found, nor any big-box stores. Instead the townscape is comprised of houses and apartments. It has a nice, relaxing ambience, and there's a certain nostalgia that fills Takeru's chest when he looks out his window at the two. The only tall buildings so to speak of are the buildings around the station, or the apartment towers along the redeveloped riverbank.

Here one doesn't need to look up to see the beautiful, blue sky. When the sun sets in the evening, the mountains in the distance, and the hill road leading up to school become tinged in a crimson hue. If you ever want to know what time it is, all you need to do is check the sun.

Our story begins in late September. The time of the year when an end to the blistering summer heat is finally within sight.

It was a normal day for Takeru. He was leisurely walking down the riverbank with his friends as he always does, just as the sun was about to set. It was all part of the same daily routine he was used to. But tiny changes can cause that daily walk home to change, in ways that may one day come to tell a story of love.

They were tiny indeed, nothing special. Just the small, daily happenings that we each experience in our daily lives.

It could be the moment his eyes met hers. It could be the moment their hands touched when trying to grab a book. It could be the moment she smiled at him, for the very first time--

Those tiny, minuscule moments that occur randomly throughout our daily lives can be the start of magical things to come.


相关内容 (‘可能’相关的内容,基于大数据匹配,不一定准)

最近HOOKSOFT正式公开了新成立的子公司Tily的处女作《dROSEra ~レディ・バッドエンドの初恋~》,并且这也是HOOKSOFT首个致力于低价作并且大幅度增加H场景的分社。简单来说就是专门做短篇萌拔的。预计发售时间为2023年7月28日。因为不是全价作,所以可攻略对象只有白毛女主一个。根据官网显示的H场景有9个以上,7个普通CG+17个HCG。原画
新月酱 2023-04-21 资讯
新月酱 2022-11-11 资讯
新月酱 2022-11-18 资讯
新月酱 2022-05-27 资讯


平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2014-01-07 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2014-01-31 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2015-03-06 发行语言: Japanese
平台: PlayStation Vita R17+
发行时间: 2015-12-17 发行语言: Japanese
平台: PlayStation Vita R17+
发行时间: 2015-12-17 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2018-09-10 发行语言: Chinese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2020-07-31 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 待定 发行语言: English
平台: Windows 全年龄
发行时间: 待定 发行语言: English
MeltyMoment ~メルティモーメント~
天都 (Guest scenario writer)
早瀬 ゆう (Guest scenario writer)
真海 (Assistant)
CF-X (Graphics)
黒木 ノア (Editing)
K.KNP (Graphics)
澄田 まお (Lyrics)
茶太 (ED 'Photograph')
Duca (Insert song 'Kimi ga Ite Kureta Kara')
Ceui (OP 'MeltyMoment')
増谷 賢 (OP, insert song)