evoLL 发行于 2021-04-30 无中文版






“From now on, the life you’ve been dreaming of will begin…

The main character, Kyosuke Anraku, was holding a woman for the first time in his life.
In addition, in front of the eyes of several people, he was holding a young lady who was born and raised without any contact with him, in a state of immobility, as if he were raping her.
The expression on the girl’s face as she cried out, begged for forgiveness, and pleaded for help was somewhat ecstatic, and Kyosuke felt a perversion of his own situation.

After devouring the girl’s flesh to his heart’s content, he was told by the other girls, “Please, next time, you can be my partner.
“Please, you can have me next.

Alone in a room of an uninhabited mansion, Kyosuke let out a big sigh.

How did this happen?

He wonders if this is his punishment for committing crimes in order to get money to pay off his debts.
It was all fine and dandy until he hijacked the school bus that the young lady took to school and brought her to his current residence.
However, the girl I had just held, Yuzuri Shiramine, had talked me into it.
But the girl I had just held, Yuzuri Shiramine, had her way with me, and before I knew it, she had switched the purpose of her crime from ransom to devouring the bodies of the young ladies, and even forced me to do so.

In addition, none of the daughters defied him, and they looked at him expectantly, hoping that he would rape them.
While I was wary that there might be an ulterior motive, I decided to dance in the palm of my hand for now.
He wanted to make it known that it was he, and not the lady, who was in control of the situation.
If he could tame her, he would be able to reverse his position.
Kyosuke is surrounded by beautiful young ladies in an uninhabited mansion, and he is determined to bring them all down.

From (CraneAnime.com)

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*苍老师加屏蔽词了,如有***影响理解的可在下方评论。 Ver1.01,揣评部分不同感觉用异色表示。 Ver1.02,星号内容按一定的逻辑用异色表示。 Ver1.06,目录中的评分按整数级(54321)用异色表示。 Ver1.10,增加了CV和立绘和文字盘点同场来给人基本印象。 Ver1.11,其实我希望有人能在玩过的条目下评论
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平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2021-04-30 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2021-04-30 发行语言: Japanese