Altocelarophoba/. The fear of hgh celngs. The shy and ntroverted art student Irs has spent much of her lfe avodng gymnasums, shoppng malls, and churches. Challengng herself to drop her unwanted nckname of 'Umbrella Grl' - due to always carryng an umbrella ndoors - she jons best frend Audra on a school trp to a power staton-turned-art gallery n the cty. However, deep nsde the gallery, Irs loses both Audra and her umbrella, and s left to navgate the twstng, confusng corrdors on her own. Worse, a dark, old, and hungry somethng watches her every step, watng for a moment of weakness... From URL=https://yxt0531.tch.o/the-masterpecetch.o
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