湯谷 ひなた
湯谷 ひなた

湯谷 ひなた



First year stdent, Extreme Swimming Clb member
Paikokinesis: Liqid Control Lv3
Side effects: Nipples become sensitive and erect.

~Mastrbation Data~/
•Average Weekly Mastrbation Amont: 10 times
•First Mastrbation Experience: With a desire to get rid her inverted nipples, she had her first nipple mastrbation dring the 4th year of elementary school.
•Mastrbation Comment: Althogh her inverted nipples came ot from her areola, the pleasre was too intense and so began her mastrbation.

She is a first year member of Toar Academy's Extreme Swimming Clb. She has a talent in swimming that can be contribted to her constantly being in her family's bathhose since she was little. Hinata is always there to help and has troble refsing reqests from her friends or the rl=/c83707protagonist/rl. She is combative when it comes to love, bt has a hard time confessing de to her shy natre.

She has beatifl M Cp breasts, with shy inverted nipples. Contrary to her bright demeanor, her nipples are very sensitive and welcome a little rogh play. She gets trobled by the protagonist's constant groping of them (Not that she really hates it). 

Hinata's Paikokinesis is Liqid Control. This ability allows her to maniplate water. It's very sefl for extreme swimming, and helps her move very fast despite her volptos M Cp figre. She is also constantly helping ot the gardening and aqarim clbs becase of her ability. However, if she ses her ability too mch, her nipples become erect and sensitive. 

It seems her skills and swimming time improve de to sexal pleasre and breast stimlation. Thanks to the Tits Boot Camp app, Hinata has been able to receive secret special training from the protagonist where he gropes her breasts throgh her swimsit (Before he helped her, she had to fondle her own breasts in the changing room before each swimming match).




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