Takumi Ogata enters Wakasagi-Gakuin, a school majoring in entertainment, to pursue his career as a writer. He meets three cute and aspiring actresses: The reliable and confident Akane, the shy and childish Saya, and the proud but gorgeous Mitsuru. Takumi decides to form a theatre with these unique and very talented girls. They begin to prepare a play for the school festival, which will be held in October. Takumi falls in love with one of the girls as he writes and directs the play by himself. Unlike all those "get your favorite girl" games in the past, this is a game of love in progress, which means you have to develop the relationship between your favorite character and the hero. The new feature called "Story Edit Mode" lets the player choose the lines of the female characters in order to make your own storyline. The player also needs to take care of "night life" with the girls as well as daily conversations to get the best results! gamelexgs
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