Reiichi Satsukido is a noncareer public employee, leading a peaceful life. One day, he is suddenly assigned to become a special national agent called 'Maid Hunter!' His mission is to hunt down and rehabilitate aliens called 'Nora Maids' (Stray Maids), in accordance with Special National Health Regulations. However, a secret organization named 'Kampfgruppe Nora Maid' stands in his way. This organization is formed to free the Nora Maids, and they are willing to fight in order to accomplish their goals. The Special National Health Regulations are only in effect for the next thirty days. Reiichi must capture and rehabilitate four Nora Maid renegades within this time. Otherwise, he will be demoted and sent to an uninhabited island. Will he succeed in his mission and avoid spending the rest of his life on a deserted island...!? Gamelex
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