In the past, Mahou Senshi (Magical Warriors) had fought against a sorcerer, Metzer Heinkel, who wished to conquered the worlds, and were able to protect peace by sealing him away. However, there was still someone who has planned to invade Earth again and has opened the new gate that connects the underworld and the terrestrial world. Mahou Senshi noticed the movement of their enemy and tried to intercept their plan. But due to the power of the gate they cannot use their powers properly. Moreover, the monsters were also stronger. Hence, they lost to the monsters. To make things worse, people were convinced to go against the ******es and people were also starting to attack them. Amidst the troubles, the ones who helped the girls are their archenemies, Silva and Falke. Silva and Falke joined force with Mahou Senshi to shut down the gate. Together, they were able to repel the monsters away. However, the two villains' reason of joining force lies somewhere else. And that is to use the power of the gate to lift Metzer's seal. The undoing of the seal will be the beginning of their counter attack, the young girls' new battle has started.... Getchu
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