種付けて!人妻島 ~男が全員不能!村の子孫を絶やさぬために人妻たちに何時でも何処でも子作り三昧!~
Miel 发行于 2012-12-14 无中文版

種付けて!人妻島 ~男が全員不能!村の子孫を絶やさぬために人妻たちに何時でも何処でも子作り三昧!~

Mate Me! Wife Island - The Men Are Flaccid! Save Our Village From Extinction -
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You are shipwrecked on an island whose culture is in constant crisis of failure because the men aren't capable of making babies, or even love.

As a token of thanks for saving you, and for the sake of the island's future you answer fate's call: become the babymaker. Make sweet love to the hot wives of this island.

Welcome to a life of dreamy housewife mating!

* Popular pregnator! 

You and you alone are capable of erections in this paradise of beautiful married women, from gentle to tsundere, from uptight teacher to classic elegant to man-eating dominant wife types all horny for your manhood inside them! Besides the five wives there's also virgin and gyaru teens and mature women. The whole village is your harem! 

* Plunge deep into the pink p*ssy of women giving it away! 

The wives receive you with open legs into their cummunity. You have full run of things. Take that roadside wife doggy style, then have group sex in the town hall, and even in the stores and school. Anywhere there's a wife with a hole, your d*ck is desired! 

* Orgies of gapefaced surrender! 

C*ck-mad consumerism in the marketplace, mother-daughter pairings on parents day, milfs in ballet bloomers and erotic dancing at the women's association banquet hall. The sex goes until dawn, and you know from their white eyes and drooling mouths they're as grateful as a neglected love can be. 

* The sex doesn't end with pregnancy! 

Until the hour of delivery, the wives still crave your husbandry. Satisfy them all, a giant harem of grape-bellied expecting mothers with engorged milk breasts and super-tender, super-horny loins dedicated just to you.

DLsite English


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