A VR visual novel set about 300 years after the events of Tokyo Chronos, in a world where humanity seeks refuge underground from deadly creatures known as Meteora. ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos has more player interactivity than its predecessor and features full voice acting in both English and Japanese. ---- The year 2280. Chloe, member of the Anti-Meteora military organization Prometheus, defends the city in her Makhia, a massive battle robot. Though her foes are formidable, she survives with the help of her companions. Prometheus fights to protect the city from the Meteoras and retake the surface one day. However, that is not why Chloe pulls the trigger. No. Everything she does, she does for her fallen friend. Her dearest friend. Coco. The blue flame of vengeance that burns within her is never extinguished. It sears Chloe's heart as she thinks of the choices she faced and decision she made, back in that moment. And then, the gears of fate begin to turn at a screeching pace. A Meteora with Coco's form attacks. This is Chloe's reality. English official website
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