"Gaetano!"/ "What's up, mom?"/ "Gaetano, go to the market to buy me eggs!"/ "Aww... Everyday the same story!"/ In the begnnng s a kd, n a pnk, chalky, tangled, scraped and hungry cty. Then, a celebraton of dversty, creatve chaos and cosmc madness through tmes, places, stores, characters, and secrets to dscover. "The Great Palermo" s an nteractve ballad about street food, folklore and transformatons n the cty of Palermo, Scly; a locally-made playful experment n cumulatve storytellng and valorzaton of the ntangble cultural hertage of Scly. From url=https://wearemuesl.tch.o/palermoThe Offcal webste
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